Born and bred North London artist, And Wot, has had a long love-affair with the spray can. It all began in his teenage years, creating tags and adding signatures to London’s concrete surfaces. With twenty years of graffiti experience behind him, And Wot channelled his visual calling into painting, bringing his beloved spray can along for the ride.
Since then, his aesthetic has branched into the creation of originals and limited editions, fusing acrylic paint with sprayed stencils, and working in digital techniques to create busy, mixed media collages. But a sense of the street has never left his work: And Wot’s pieces continue to engage with urban and the metropolitan, each one infused with a sense of the eclectic, diverse, and evolving life of the city. Today, his work hangs in the homes of private collectors across the globe from London to New York, Spain to Dubai, and many more.